momo,momo購物台,momo購物網>【X-BIONIC】FENNEC BIKE 機能短車衣 ★★★
【X-BIONIC】FENNEC BIKE 機能短車衣哪裡買最便宜.心得文.試用文.分享文行李箱/旅遊用品分享推薦.好用.推薦.評價.熱銷.開箱文.優缺點比較
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想要購買【X-BIONIC】FENNEC BIKE 機能短車衣已經想很多天了!也求助谷哥大神 發現【X-BIONIC】FENNEC BIKE 機能短車衣的評價真的不錯想想哪裡買最便宜.心得文.試用文.分享文行李箱/旅遊用品分享推薦.好用.推薦.評價.熱銷.開箱文.優缺點比較
最後選擇在這購買【X-BIONIC】FENNEC BIKE 機能短車衣 的原因,是因為比較有保障,也不會遇到詐騙集團,所以才選擇在這購入
商品訊息功能: 85% Polyester10% Polyamide5% Elastane
Fennec? has its own personality. A very performance-oriented one. Every breath, every movement and most certainly every bit of physical exertion costs energy. The largest part of it is used by the athlete to cool his body. According to scientific studies, even up to 97 %. That's why X-BIONIC? has put everything it has into supporting the natural cooling process and into saving energy. With the Fennec? line the developers have succeeded at a break-through. While the innovative material xitanit? reflects heat, the 3-dimensional structure increases the evaporative process of sweat directly on the skin. The body stays cool, the athlete holds onto his performance temperature longer.
3D-BionicSphere? System in the chest area
Without giving the body the impression that it is getting cold, fresh air from the 3D-BionicSphere? System in the chest area cools down the body temperature. The air is tempered inside the ducts, working like a sluice. Hot, moist air is disposed of using the dynamics of body warmth and then replaced with new fresh air.
Trap perspiration before you start to feel it. Sweat is wicked away so it can evaporate using heat dynamics. A film of perspiration - too thin to be noticeable - is left behind to cool the skin.
For good visibility and improved safety in night-time traffic.
The practical pouches on the back are positioned in such a way as to provide maximum accessibility while not restricting the cyclist‘s freedom of movement.
Anatomically shaped hem
No leaky spots occur on the crossover from pants to the jacket, due to this anatomically formed cuff.
3D-BionicSphere? System on the back
Guarantees effective ventilation so moisture is quickly wicked and transported away. No sweat means insulating air pockets in the wavelike structure protect against cold.
Wüstenfuchs Technology
The desert fox Fennec's shiny silver fur reflects heat. Also, the Fennec releases much of its body heat through its huge ears. This is the inspiration behind our X-BIONIC? Wüstenfuchs Technology. The exclusive xitanit? material reflects heat pounding down at you while distributing sweat across your skin to achieve an effective cooling process.
X-Impact Technology?
Better performance due to graduated compression that reduces muscle oscillations, supports muscles and joints and optimises nutrient supply.
商品訊息簡述: 85% Polyester10% Polyamide5% Elastane
~~~這個~~~ 【X-BIONIC】FENNEC BIKE 機能短車衣 好像還不錯喔!!,【X-BIONIC】FENNEC BIKE 機能短車衣我很喜歡,買來試試看!!! ★★★
很多人很推薦這個【X-BIONIC】FENNEC BIKE 機能短車衣,一些知識+問與答也是大推【X-BIONIC】FENNEC BIKE 機能短車衣,【X-BIONIC】FENNEC BIKE 機能短車衣CP值很高,相關【X-BIONIC】FENNEC BIKE 機能短車衣開箱文也極力推薦,而且【X-BIONIC】FENNEC BIKE 機能短車衣有價格親民這項大大的優點!
- Jul 19 Sun 2015 12:33
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